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Workout Warehouse ProForm Cardio Smart Out of Stock

ProForm Cardio Smart


Train in comfort for better results. Featuring ProShox™ cushioning, the ProForm Cardio Smart delivers a more comfortable running surface while reducing impact on your joints with each step. The built-in iFit® Enabled technology gets you instant access to Google Maps™ routes, automatic stat tracking, and unlimited workouts. Plus, with the 7-inch full-color touchscreen display and 12 mph QuickSpeed® and 12 percent Quick Incline™ controls, you can stay on top of your workout stats and manage your workout intensity all in the same place.




Product Specifications

  • 7" Full-Color Touch Screen
  • 20" x 60" Tread Belt
  • 0-12 MPH QuickSpeed® Control
  • 325 Lb. User Weight Capacity
  • 10-Year Frame, 2-Year Parts and 1-Year Labor Warranty
  • 2.75 CHP* Mach Z™ Motor
  • 0-12% Quick Incline™ Control
  • SpaceSaver® Design with EasyLift™ Assist
  • 22 Workout Apps
  • Grip Pulse EKG™ Heart Rate Monitor
  • iFit® Enabled
  • CoolAire™ Workout Fan
  • Auxiliary Music Port
  • ProShox™ Cushioning
  • ProForm