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Workout Warehouse Gold's Gym StrideTrainer 380 Out of Stock

Gold's Gym StrideTrainer 380


Get ready to lose weight and burn calories with the Gold's Gym StrideTrainer 380. This rear drive elliptical is fully equipped to help you meet all of your weight-loss goals. And, because it's from Gold's Gym, you know it has everything you need to get a gym-quality workout at home. This elliptical features 6 built-in workouts designed by Certified Personal Trainers. Choose from aerobic, weight-loss or performance goals and you'll be on your way to a slimmer, leaner you! And, don't forget to add intensity. This elliptical features console controls so you can conveniently adjust the resistance of your workout. And to round it all out, this elliptical is also equipped with a large LCD, convenient transport wheels and a 14" stride length. The StrideTrainer 380 has everything you need to maximize your workout time so you can lose those inches fast.




Product Specifications

  • 6 Workout Apps
  • Dual-Grip PowerPulse™ Heart Rate Monitor
  • LCD Window
  • Transport Wheels
  • Convenient Built-in Water Bottle Holder
  • 90-Day Warranty
  • SMR™ Silent Magnetic Resistance
  • 14" Stride Length
  • 250 Lb.
  • 55" L X 26" W X 61" H