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Workout Warehouse NordicTrack Classic Pro Skier Out of Stock

NordicTrack Classic Pro Skier


Ski your way to a beautiful body with the calorie-burning, total-body workout of the original NordicTrack Classic Pro Skier. You'll tone and shape muscles, burn away fat and improve cardiovascular fitness. Smooth, low-impact strides tone and define legs, hips, thighs and buttocks while the unique arm motion shapes and tones upper-body muscles. When you're ready for a challenge, the patented flywheel easily adjusts for seven resistance levels. Features adjustable hip pad for added comfort and sturdy foam grip handlebars.




Product Specifications

  • Total Body Skier
  • Patented Flywheel
  • Parts and labor charges for one year
  • Adjustable Resistance
  • LED Feedback Windows
  • 93" L X 23.5" W X 60" H Footprint
  • 250 Lb. User Weight Capacity
  • NordicTrack