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Workout Warehouse Weider MMA VKR Power Tower Out of Stock

Weider MMA VKR Power Tower


Power up for hard-core training with the Weider® MMA VKR Power Tower. Switch up your workout with the dip station, multiple-grip pull-up station, and multiple-grip push-up station. Use one or all three to target triceps, lats, biceps, and forearms. And if you're working on your core, take aim at the Weider® MMA 50 Lb. Heavy Bag that's made to withstand any amount of fury. Add the VKR to your workout to increase overall stamina and keep your core engaged. The Power Tower also features sewn vinyl seats and includes an exercise chart designed by a certified personal trainer.




Product Specifications

  • Weider® MMA 50 lb. Heavy Bag
  • Multiple Stations
  • Sewn Vinyl Seats
  • Exercise Chart
  • 90-Day Parts & Labor Warranty