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Workout Warehouse Weider Power Tower Out of Stock

Weider Power Tower


Give your upper body an excellent workout with the Weider® Power Tower. Featuring five workout stations, the Power Tower delivers a customized workout space. Target your biceps and forearms with the padded pull-up station. Build your triceps, chest, and shoulders with the dip station. Work your biceps, shoulders, and core with the push-up station. With the vertical knee-raise (VKR) station, you can isolate your core. And, with the calf raise station allows you to work your lower leg muscles. The Power Tower also features sewn vinyl cushions, built with comfortable padding and designed to last.




Product Specifications

  • Multiple Stations
  • Padded Hand Grips
  • Cushioned Arm Rests
  • Sewn Vinyl Cushions
  • Solid Metal
  • 90-Day Parts & Labor Warranty